Huntsman Hones a Dovish Foreign Policy Pitch to Republicans (The Atlantic Wire)


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The Atlantic Wire - Huntsman is not the first Republican presidential contender to advance a more dovish position on our three wars. But as a former diplomat, his foreign policy credetials make him the most credible one so far. At the first GOP primary debate, Ron Paul and Gary Johnson, both polling in the single digits, called for a withdrawal from Afghanistan. Before he dropped out of the race, Haley Barbour, too, questioned the need for 100,000 soldiers deployed there,. Time's Adam Sorensen notes that, "The war has become increasingly unpopular, even among Republican voters and especially in the fiscally focused Tea Party wing. But the candidates speaking to those concerns, like Ron Paul for one, aren’t really mainstream contenders for the nomination. With Barbour out, that space remains in the GOP field." And that's Huntsman's opening.
