Husband Lord and Soul Bride Unification


Staff member
Sat Sri Akal Bhen Ji aur Bhai Ji,

I would like to know any further information about the unification between husband lord and soul bride. When does one know they have found their beloved husband lord and can practice anjeela (homage) to their husband lord (king)? Am I interpreting this incorrectly? surely a connection to your husband lord is of one in the physical world as much as it is in the spiritual realm. I hope I have not geared to far off track from the essence of bani trying to interpret and understand the language in my own perspective. My husband lord is all knowing and all forgiving but will my husband lord know when he has also found me, his soul bride? How is this determined between the two individuals? is it the "feeling" individuals get between each other? How is this determined to be real?

Sat Sri Akal
