I don't have an attitude problem. I am just simply treating people as they treat me.


Staff member
someone posted on their facebook wall today:
"I don't have an attitude problem I am just simply treating people as they treat me!!"
many of the persons facebook friends then 'liked' the comment.

This got me thinking...
many people think they are 'nice' people...that they only behave a certain way if they are provoked...

but then what makes us any different to the person that provoked us...
all they did was show us that we also have this 'dark' side within us...

if we get angry because someone has provoked us...then maybe our next thought should be:

"Thank you god for showing me that i also have an anger issue "
and then do our simran and seva and flush this disease out of us regardless of whether we were provoked or not

or maybe the next time someone shouts at us....say something 'kind' in return no matter how many insults one receives...

Remember, all that exists is god...if someone is angry at you, it will be god using the other person to show you how much anger you have within yourselves.

break the cycle of action and reaction: i hate you -> i hate you too -> i hate you more - not as much as i hate you

sometimes all it takes is something different...love being returned in the face of anger and little 'miracles' start happening in our relationships with other....the power of humbleness...
