Digital Trends - While Logitech was mostly showcasing the impressive Logitech Revue at CES, the company also made an announcement about a smaller product that will hit shelves this May. The small Logitech wireless speaker adapter aims to allow users to easily stream audio wirelessly from a device to their speakers. The adapter works with Intel’s WiDi technology to stream music from WiDi-enabled laptops to any kind of speakers by simply plugging the device into the speakers’ 3.5 mm jack. WiDi technology is already built-in to about 50 PC models and is expected to branch into the netbook market soon. The device will also be available in a version that works with all Bluetooth-enabled devices, designed with smartphones and tablets in mind, which might be able to reach a larger number of consumers. Both adapters will be available in May for a suggested price of only $29.99.