Poll: Ron Paul Has Best Chance to Beat Obama? (ContributorNetwork)


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ContributorNetwork - COMMENTARY | It wasn't too long ago that libertarian Texas Congressman Ron Paul was being ignored by CNN and Fox News -- let's face it, Jon Stewart pointed out how little attention the legislator was receiving from most of the major media outlets -- as he fought to be heard above the sound bites of Rep. Michele Bachmann, Texas governor Rick Perry, and undeclared media magnet Sarah Palin. But all that changed when national attention focused on the fact that national attention had not been focused anywhere near the campaign of the just-turned 76-year-old legislator. And not even two weeks later, a Rasmussen Reports poll indicates that it is he, not newcomer Perry, or firebrand Bachmann, or even the stoic and steady Mitt Romney, that stands the best chance of defeating President Obama in the national election.
