The super committee's inevitable failure: Why it's a good thing (The Week)


Staff member
The Week - Barring a miracle, a gridlocked congressional super committee will fail to agree on $1.2 trillion in deficit reductions by its Nov. 23 deadline. The bipartisan panel of 12 legislators was formed this summer as part of the deal to raise the debt ceiling. And if the group fails to reach an agreement, automatic, across-the-board cuts will be triggered, including hundreds of billions of dollars from defense spending. But the super committee was always an exercise in futility, says Paul Krugman in The New York Times. The panel was "doomed to fail" from the start "because the gulf between our two major political parties is so wide." Cutting the deficit in any real way is "about fundamental values," not accounting, and Republicans and Democrats "have sharply different views of what constitutes economic justice." In the end, it's up to voters to give one party the majority it needs to implement its agenda. Here, an excerpt:
