The Time of the Tea Party Has Passed (ContributorNetwork)


Staff member
ContributorNetwork - COMMENTARY | The Tea Party movement started off well and has held to its core beliefs of limited government and conservative values. It may seem a bit strange, then, that the same public that supported the movement is now disapproving of it. That isn't really a surprise. The public has a limited attention span and even more limited patience. When the drastic changes that the Tea Party sought didn't immediately manifest themselves, people took it as a sign that this group was like all other political groups: all talk and no action. The die-hard members of the movement will cite the liberal media with its rapid decline but that doesn't hold when you consider that the media has changed a bit in the last two years. I was one of the founding members of the Tea Party movement in my local area. I designed the local website and filled it with content. I organized rallies and videotaped them. I no longer attend. I don't need to see the same people voicing the same complaints, carrying the same signs and making the same speeches. There are three main reasons that the Tea Party Movement has lost the support of the public:
