Turban Day Suggestions?


Staff member
I wasn't sure where to post this exactly, as it's not really a question 'about' Sikhi... so I truly appologize wholeheartedly to the admins if I put it in the wrong place... last thing I want is to be in trouble again.

I am helping to organize a Turban Day here locally... and was just wondering if anyone has assisted with an event like this before? Obviously we want to make this as successful as possible and to spread awareness.

Some things to consider: It is a fairly small community here so we can't obtain locally any supplies like turban material.

Here is what we have so far:

1. We have contacted various organizations for help with suppies. WSO Canada came through as the most able to help us, and have agreed to help with turban material, small nishan sahibs, and possibly pamphlets with information about Sikhi.

2. We have applied for the 'community booth' at the local shopping mall. Unfortunately we could not get a weekend day... so settled with a Friday.

3. We have to obtain 'event liability insurance' for $2,000,000 - hopefully this won't be difficult to obtain for the one day. Apparently every group that uses the community booth must have this - even school groups who are just fundraising.

4. We are going to print off some signs on our own for the booth etc.

5. Only two people can work at the booth at once... so I am thinking shifts of two people (one handing out info and one tying turbans), since we have about 6-8 volunteers willing to help.

6. (edit) I forgot to mention this is not being organized by the Gurdwara (though they would likley be more than willing to help if we asked them) it's being organized by the sikh students association at the local University. I think they mostly want to do this at the student level, and not have to ask the Gurdwara to help...

Basically we want to just get the word out who Sikhs are, who they aren't, have some fun tying turbans on the public. Is there anything that we missed? Can you think of anything else that would be of benefit? I have helped organize events before, but none quite like this.

Again appologies in advance if this is in the wrong section or is against the rules to ask about. I have not been posting in the last while because I am a bit worried about making a mistake, but I really want to make this event as successful as possible.
